Results Section

Many people confuse items that belong in the Results section with items that belong in the Discussion section.

Results are either data, summaries of data, or directly computed from data with no subjective input.  Here are examples of results:

  • A listing of the data.
  • A listing of a subset of the data.
  • A figure generated from the data.
  • Any summary statistics generated from the data.
  • Other statistics generated from the data.
  • Observations about the relationships in the data that are  qualitative or quantitative.

Here is one way to organize your Results section into sub-sections:

Data quality:  In this sub-section, you describe the steps that   were taken to ensure the integrity of the data that are about to be  analyzed to death.  Here, you describe the inclusion or exclusion  criteria for the data.

Sample characteristics:  Here you give a summary of the data.  How many complete records were obtained per group?  How many data are missing?   That sort of thing.

Little picture results:  Here you give results parameter by  parameter.  Typically these types of analyses are done in cookie-cutter fashion.

Big picture results:  Here you aggregate results from the individual parameter analyses or use  statistical methods that are designed to work on sets of  parameters.

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