

I am a Ph.D. Statistician with over 15 years of general statistical consulting experience.  I have consulted with well over 800 clients spanning academia, industry, and government.    This has included extensive experience in nonclinical and preclinical statistics, in agricultural field trial statistics, and in Phase I/II clinical trials.

My work experience includes over six years as Senior Statistician at the University of California at Davis and three years at Genentech, Inc. (and a few months at Syntex Corporation).  The rest of the time I have acted as an independent statistical consultant, which is my current position.

My applied skills include data processing, statistical design, statistical modeling, statistical reporting, and project management.   My programming skills include SAS (BASE, STAT, DATA step, Macro, ODS), R/S-PLUS, Perl, FORTRAN, BASIC, BUGS, C, Matlab, Mathematica, GAUSS, HTML, Javascript, and some SQL.  Naturally, I have experience with Minitab, SPSS, JMP, Systat, and many lesser-known statistical packages, including some that seem to have gone extinct.

I’ve co-authored around a dozen peer-reviewed publications in a variety of fields, have taught several college-level courses, worked as co-principal investigator, and have served as an expert witness in statistical analysis.  By a rough estimate, I have performed well over 1,000 statistical analyses.

It’s great to have you as a reader!

Jerome V. Braun